NUKAS Mobile - BMT NU Kasiman




BMT NUKAS presents the convenience of various financial transactions for all Members. This NUKAS MOBILE application can be used online any time you want to conduct financial transactions without the need to go to a service office. The convenience of financial transactions is now in your grasp (No need to carry cash).The benefits of NUKAS MOBILE can be used to:• Check the savings balance in NUKAS BMT.• Check savings accounts for the last 20 transactions.• Check remaining financing installments.• Check MDA Futures balance and maturity info.• Transfers between NUKAS BMT Members.• Withdraw cash via fellow members.• Deposit cash via fellow members.• Pay for shopping at member stores.• Pay installments.• Purchase airplane tickets.• PPOB business.• Pay telephone bills, internet, PDAM, PLN.• Purchase PLN tokens• Purchase of cellular credit.• Pay Zakat or Infq to LAZISNU• Pay Waqf to BMT NUKAS.• Secure Transactions.To be able to use the NUKAS Mobile application, please visit the nearest NUKAS BMT service office in your city. And complete the submission form procedure to verify the valid GSM SIM telephone number data. Must agree to terms and conditions that apply in NUKAS BMT.Note:** SMS fees are charged in this application according to the policies of each provider.** Member data that has been registered and verified by its GSM SIM phone number.** This application uses GPRS (internet) basis, not yet available for SMS.** Not recommended to use Dual SIM Mobile.For further information, please contact:Customer Service: +6282337141911Support Email: [email protected]